Archive | June, 2014

La Formatgeria (3.02)

12 Jun

La Formatgeria

This is a very special place with a great concept. They offer a very good selection of cheese , wine and artisan beers.

The patatas bravas are good; the best part for me is the two different sauces. I couldn’t tell what all the ingredients were; I think that the red sauce maybe has red pepper.  In summary, their patatas bravas feature an original sauce and well made potatoes.

However, I miss their first tapa of potatoes, which was just available for a limited time, called Patates Blaves.  For me it was the perfect potato tapa for  this place, and an amazing idea!!

Texture: 2,6

Taste: 3

Sauce: 3,6

Crispiness: 2,8

Presentation: 3,1

Price: €4,00

Direccion: Santiago Rusinyol, 34